Rental Application

    Name (required) :

    Group or Organization (required) :


    Email (required) :

    Phone (required) :

    Address :

    How did you hear about us? :
    (If on-line, please specify the website)

    Purpose of rental (required) :
    (e.g. To host a business meeting.)

    Set-up Requirements:
    (Let us know how chairs, tables, etc. be arranged?)

    Number of people (required) :
    (If a production, include cast, crew and expected audience)

    Dates and Times Requested (required) :

    Studio Requested :

    Will food / alcohol be served?


    For an extra charge, I would like to use the following:

    Projector Screen


    Photography Backdrop

    Electronic Keyboard

    Stage Lights

    Additional Considerations :

    I want to know about ongoing and future events and programs at ATW! Please add me to your mailing list.

    Please enter the value shown below :